September 17, 2009

5 Zen Moments You Can Create

Sometimes as life is happening all around us time seems to slip by too quickly. Mind and body control techniques are developed in order to slow the processes and allow ourselves to encompass and develop our sense of time of it instead of letting it whiz by. To someone
who isn’t practicing these techniques everyday just beginning to can be very challenging. I’ve created this list below of my favorite meditations that can help you begin creating a calm mind and body. Correct posture will ensure that your moments will last as long as possible. Follow this link to be sure that you are practicing with correct posture.

1. Follow your breath. As you sit or lie down allow your body to become still. Close your eyes and breathe though your nose with your mouth closed. Fall into the groove of breathing and pay attention to the rhythm of your breathing. Take note to how you are breathing; whether it is shallow, rough, quick, smooth, deep, or slow. Your pace of breath identifies your current state of mind, try adjusting it to become consistent and automatic, not strained. As you continue breathing think only of the breath. Erase all other inner-dialogue other than the word breathe. Follow each breath like a swinging door as it moves in and out. Maintain and enjoy.

2. Oxygen and Carbon Dioxide. Because the simplicity of the above exercise can be difficult to grasp, imagine one of your body’s systems: the respiratory system. As you inhale your lungs absorb oxygen and exchange it for carbon dioxide with the red blood cells as they pass through the bloodstream. As the fresh oxygenated air fills your lungs imagine these blood cells taking the oxygen away after exchanging it for the carbon dioxide you exhale. Repeat.

3. Water and Stone. Your mind is a powerful tool, you can use your imagination to realize it. With your eyes closed visualize a calm river passing by as you stand on its shore. Next you see several large stones, let’s say seven, provide a path you can use to cross the stream by jumping from one to another. Visualize each stone as you decide to jump towards it. As you jump imagine feeling the wind across your face, the water beneath you, the riverbed beneath the water, the sound of your foot contacting the stone, and your body as it becomes still after and before the jump. Cross the river.

4. Raindrops. Water gently begins to fall from the sky as you close your eyes. The warm liquid falls through the air and onto large leaves that catch it before it reaches the ground. Picture the leaves as they move after the impact of each drop. The surface tension keeps the drop intact as it follows the contours of the leaf and begins its downward decent toward the soil. Ride the shape of the plant as the water envelopes its features. Visualize the raindrop as it eases into the soil. From there it travels over the particles in the dirt, over the roots and rocks found below. Travel with it into the darkness until it meets the water table several feet below the surface.

5. Power. You are wizard with magic powers. This may sound far fetched, and it is, but you are a wizard with magic powers so strong that you dare not use them, ever. Imagine this powerful energy as it travels through your body along the paths of your nervous system. It is concentrated along your spine, moves out beyond the hair the grows in your skin and has the power to lift your off the ground if you wish. This energy is so powerful, don’t use it, but imagine that you employ it to propel you hundreds of feet into the air above you without using a muscle, just the energy. You have the ability to resist the force of gravity and float slowly back down to the place you keep this energy inside you.


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